21 May 2024 | News

Successful launch at the Wellbeing services county of Pirkanmaa: Record breaking day with the BeeHealthy platform

The Wellbeing services county of Pirkanmaa has deployed BeeHealthy’s Digital clinic platform for its over 500,000 residents. The results on the opening day were excellent: 2,000 users registered to the platform, 575 successful discussions were initiated on the platform, and the OmaPirha Digital clinic application of the Wellbeing services county became the nation’s most downloaded app in App Store.

The Wellbeing services county of Pirkanmaa has deployed BeeHealthy’s Digital clinic platform for its over 500,000 residents. The platform was delivered and implemented in the wellbeing services county on schedule in a four-month project. The results on the opening day were excellent: 2,000 users registered to the platform, 575 successful discussions were initiated on the platform, and the OmaPirha Digital clinic application of the Wellbeing services county became the nation’s most downloaded app in App Store.

From the beginning of May, the Pirkanmaa wellbeing services county, BeeHealthy, and Mehiläinen launched a joint Digital clinic in target schedule, within a four-month implementation period. On the first day of operations of the Digital clinic of Finland’ largest wellbeing services county, over 2,000 residents registered on the service, and more than 575 successful discussions between residents and healthcare professionals were conducted. The wellbeing service county’s application, OmaPirha Digital clinic, also became the nation’s most downloaded application in the App Store on its first day. Within a week from the launch, the number of registered users had risen to over 15,000 users.

– We are thrilled by the successful launch of the Digital Clinic, which we got to witness on-site in Tampere, marking a significant milestone for the Wellbeing services county of Pirkanmaa. For BeeHealthy, the first-day volumes shattered records, which underscores the potential and demand of digital services, says Oskari Eskola, CEO of BeeHealthy.

The Digital clinic, accessible via mobile application or web browser, provides residents of the wellbeing services county with a rapid and easy-to-use channel for healthcare with extended hours alongside previous contact channels. The digital platform enables the wellbeing services county of Pirkanmaa to further expand the platform’s services.

– The opening of the Digital clinic to the residents of Pirkanmaa is significant for obtaining basic level services and connections. The collaboration with BeeHealthy and Mehiläinen’s Centre for remote healthcare has gone very well, says Marina Erhola, Director of the Pirkanmaa wellbeing area.

The Digital clinic services of the wellbeing services county are operated together with the professionals of Mehiläinen’s Centre for remote healthcare and the Wellbeing services county of Pirkanmaa in close cooperation.

– The Digital clinic serves a wide range of primary healthcare needs, covering both urgent and non-urgent symptoms. Access to care is quick, and the platform allows for flexible interaction. The aim is to handle over 300,000 health service contacts annually through the Digital clinic by 2026, says Taavi Kaartinen, the leading physician at Mehiläinen’s Centre for remote healthcare.

Common reasons for contacting the Digital clinic include, for example, respiratory infections, eye infections, and urinary tract infections in women. Additionally, the digital channel can also access and initiate examinations for other longer-term illnesses.

The goal is to resolve 70-80 percent of patient contacts at the Digital clinic, so that the customer does not need further guidance from their local health services. Initially, doctors and nurses serve at the Digital clinic, but the wellbeing services county has the opportunity to expand the service to other professional groups.

Written by BeeHealthy

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